Thursday, November 20, 2008
Financials EFT (XLF), Fidelity Select Banking, Retirement Account Investing:
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Today November 20, 2008, should be a stock market bottom for trades that can be placed only at close. We are taking a long position back in Fidelity Select Banking as of today (November 20, 2008)'s close.
More details will follow, but we wanted the readers to know before market closes.
Fidelity Select Banking price at close is $12.32. Our entry is then at $12.32.
A sharp market rally is very possible tomorrow Friday November 21, 2008. This would be the start of what would be called a Santa-Claus rally!
What would the reason for the rally be? They (journalists/etc) would give a lot of explanations, but the truth of the matter is that none of those explanations matter. If our analysis is correct, the market will go up because it is a bottom as our analysis indicates, and as explained in the previous post. That is why we were very agressive today in building a long-side stock market position.
We will know what will happen tomorrow Friday. Have a good evening/night!

Retirement account trade confirmation.
Today is Friday November 28, 2008. One week has passed since we initiated the trade. XLF is now about $12.70. Since XLF was at $9.32 when we initiated the position, the position is a winner, and gains correspond to 36%. We are closing the position today, as the order screen included below indicates.

Retirement account closing of trade confirmation.
1. Read the post on how we traded EUR/USD today November 28, 2008 in real-time. It is very educational, and led to HUGE pip gains. It is a must read in our opinion, and it includes copies of the trade screens.
2. Also, read the post on carry trade (The carry trade is back! How to take your piece of the action..). Link is:
3. Read all the other posts including the most recent nailing of tops and bottoms such as the bottoms of October 10, October 16, October 23, and the nailing of the top of November 4 (election day). All are in list of posts or in archives section (scroll down and look at the side menu of this blog).
4. Do not leave without looking around here, and signing up for the blog insiders' list.
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Coal Gasification is the Future. Rentech (RTK) Significant Announcement on the Horizon
Company: Rentech
Ticker: RTK
Recommendation: Buy for an aggressive short-term trade
Company Snapshot: Rentech is composed of two business segments each focusing on a major global issue, alternative green energy and fertilizer production. Rentech’s alternative energy segment is one of the world's leading synthetic fuels technology and development companies. Over the last twenty-five years, Rentech has developed and patented the Rentech Process, an advanced version of the well-established Fischer-Tropsch process. The Rentech Process can convert a wide array of carbon-bearing materials, including green resources such as biomass and municipal solid waste, into ultra clean fuels and chemicals ranging from jet fuel to diesel gasoline. Rentech’s objective is to help the world reduce its dependency on oil and lower emissions, including greenhouse gases. Rentech’s second business segment is their fertilizer plant Rentech Energy Midwest Corp. -REMC-, located in East Dubuque, IL. REMC is one of the country’s largest nitrogen manufacturers producing nitrogen-based fertilizer products and industrial nitrogen products. Rentech has a pipeline full of projects they are currently working on that include:
* Standalone Biomass Facility – Jet Fuel from Garbage
Rentech has entered into a Joint Development Agreement for a 1,500 to 3,000 barrels per day standalone biomass facility with Solena Group, a global power production company that builds, owns and operates renewable clean energy plants and is 25% owned by Acciona Energy, a world leader in the renewable energy sector. The site and feedstock in Northern California that will turn biomass into jet fuel and naphtha utilizing Solena's propriety gasification and Rentech's proprietary technology has been identified. This facility is expected to be the first commercial biomass to jet fuel production facility in the country.
* Rentech Strategic Fuels and Chemicals Complex in Adams County Mississippi
Rentech will build its first commercial synthetic fuels plant utilizing the Rentech Process at the site of its proposed Strategic Fuels and Chemicals Complex in Adams County, Mississippi near the city of Natchez. The RSFC Complex which will help meet the nation's growing need for clean-burning, alternative transportation fuels, will be built in two phases. Rentech is targeting to complete Phase 1, the production of 1,600 barrels per day, in 2011 or earlier. Rentech is targeting to produce an additional 28,000 barrels per day during Phase 2.
* Rentech and Peabody Joint Development Agreement
Rentech's wholly owned subsidiary, Rentech Development Corporation, and Peabody Electricity LLC, a wholly-owned entity of Peabody Energy, entered into a Joint Development Agreement for the co-development of two Coal-to-Liquids (CTL) projects, which will be located on Peabody reserves. The projects will convert coal into ultra-clean transportation fuels using the Rentech Process. The companies intend to make use of Peabody's reserves in Montana and the Midwest and will evaluate a mine-mouth project model to maximize cost and transportation advantages. One project is targeted for production of 10,000 barrels per day of transportation fuels while the other is projected to produce up to 30,000 barrels per day.
* Rentech and UOP Agreement
The agreement between Rentech and UOP provides a one-stop solution to developers of commercial synthetic fuels facilities worldwide for synthesis gas conversion and product upgrading.
* Rentech-Mingo County Redevelopment Authority Joint Development Agreement
Rentech and the Mingo County Redevelopment Authority entered into a Joint Development Agreement for the co-development of a potential synthetic fuels facility located in Mingo County, West Virginia. The project is expected to be built in two phases, with production of approximately 3,000 barrels per day upon completion of the first phase of the project and up to approximately 30,000 barrels per day upon completion of the second phase of the project. The feedstock for the facility is expected to be waste coal and waste biomass from the region. The project is currently in the feasibility phase.
* DKRW-Wyoming Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Coal-to-Liquids
Rentech signed a Master License Agreement (MLA) with DKRW Advanced Fuels LLC (DKRW-AF), a wholly-owned subsidiary of DKRW Energy LLC, for the use of the Rentech Process. Concurrent with the signing of the MLA, DKRW-AF's wholly owned-subsidiary, Medicine Bow Fuel & Power LLC (MBF&P), signed an individual site license for its proposed Medicine Bow Project in Medicine Bow, Wyoming.
Recommendation: Buy for an aggressive short-term trade
Recommendation Date: Friday, November 21, 2008 at .50 cents per share
Recommendation Results:
** 11/21/2008: UP 8.00%
** 11/24/2008: UP 12.96%
** 11/25/2008: DOWN -1.72%
** 11/26/2008: UP 3.42%
** 11/28/2008: UP 3.23%
*** Since Date of Recommendation: UP 28.00%
On Friday, November 21, 2008 we recommended Rentech (Ticker: RTK) with a buy rating at .50 cents a shares. Since then a few positive and significant developments have taken place.
* November 22, 2008 Indiana and Illinois announce they are pursuing major clean coal power projects. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has announced a measure that will create 2 clean coal projects including a $2.5-billion plant near Taylorville, Illinois. That plant comes in the wake of another $2 billion coal gasification project in southern Indiana.
* November 22, 2008 Baard Energy has received its final air permits from the Ohio EPA which in turn allows them to build a coal to liquid plant in Wellsville along the Ohio River. One of the first of its kind. The permit is the third and final state environmental permit necessary for Baard Energy to proceed into final design and construction of the 53,000 barrel-per-day coal/biomass to liquids plant at the Columbiana County Port Authority site in Wellsville. Baard has yet to release who will supply their Fischer-Tropsch technology.
* November 22, 2008 President-elect Barack Obama reaffirmed his support for alternative energy. This includes Rentech’s Fischer-Tropsch technology that converts biomass, natural gas, and coal into liquid fuels ranging from jet fuel to diesel gasoline.;_ylt=Anucx2RdHWzyzTRuGeA1tl0Gw_IE
* November 24, 2008 The US Air Force concluded analysis of the effects of using a natural gas-based synthetic fuel with its Lockheed Martin F-22, as work to trial the technology accelerates through its trainer, transport and fighter fleets. The office of the assistant secretary of the air force for installations, environment and logistics is expected to select a private partner during December to develop a Fischer-Tropsch production facility at Malmstrom AFB, Montana.
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