Thursday, November 13, 2008
Stock market bottom November 2008 price prediction
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This post is composed of two parts: predictive and live (in sense of real money) trading
We are skipping trading for today (for now, but would turn to live trading), but we thought to make price predictions as usual, and as if we were trading real money.
12:33PM: with NDX at 1138, first sign of a bottom. Open half intended size. Direction Long NDX.
12:38PM: with NDX at 1139, add the second part of the intended size. Direction long NDX.
1:00PM: NDX hit the bottom at 1110. We went to put live trades. The orders did not get filled. We should have prepared the orders beforehand, but we did not. The market ran very fast after that (it is now at NDX 1125). We will cancel the order, and see how it will be behave if it retests. However a solid bottom does not retest, as it usually happens very fast, and has a V shape (V like in Victory).
1:33PM: with NDX at 1145. Take profits on position established at 1138 and 1139. Small profits of 6.5 NDX points.
2:36PM: with NDX at 1189, we just took profits from position established yesterday at 1176 and 1174. Profits are 14 NDX points.
3:59: with NDX at 1241 we took the part of position we entered into in the 1190
area. Profits are 50 NDX points.
Total profits from postion initiated yesterday is: 65 NDX points.
Happy trading (tomorrow)!
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That 1 PM heavy volume reversal today was beautiful to behold.
Thanks for your suggestions - much appreciated!
That was a gutsy call on your retirement fund yesterday. Glad it worked out for you.
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